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We’re working hard every day to make PPM the best it can possibly be.

System Update: SMS/text Messaging, …., and more

Here’s a list of some of the more important changes that have been recently made…

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System Update: New event statuses and automated booking flow

To help you better track the status of your events, we’re giving the Event Statuses in PPM a refresh.

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System Update: More tools on the go, Better at-a-glance views, and more

Here’s a list of the more important changes that were recently made…

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System Update: Customizable Occasions List, Searchable Choice Lists, Speed Improvements and more

Here’s a list of the more important changes that were recently made…

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System Update: Finalization Link Automation, Bulk-Update Package Options, Invoicing Improvements and more

Here’s a list of the more important changes that were recently made…

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System Update: Email Automation, Free Account Upgrades, and more

Here’s a list of the more important changes that were recently made…

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System Update: Filter Events by Service, Track Staff Avail Changes, and more

Here’s a list of the more important changes that were recently made…

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System Update: Outrageous Guarantee, Control Staff Info and more…

We’ve recently launched a bunch of new updates to the system. Here’s a list of the more important changes that were recently made…

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System Update: Calendar View with many events

This update makes it easier to see ALL events for a given day, even when they don’t all fit into one small box in the calendar view.

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System Update: New Settings – Default Invoice Notes + Default Event Status

With this update, we’ve added a couple of handy new settings: (1) Default Invoice Notes, and (2) Default Event Status – for events added via admin.

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System Update: Event Editor – Pricing & Date/Time Section

We’ve made some changes to the Pricing Grid section and the Date/Time section of your Event Editor to make it way more intuitive for you!

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New Feature: Expiring Finalisation Link

With this new feature added, when you set an event to “Dropped / Cancelled” the Finalisation Link will expire for any contact that has previously been sent the link.

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System Update: NEW Email Style

Emails sent to your clients and staff via Party Pro Manager (PPM) have gotten a facelift!

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New Feature: HR Record

The NEW HR Record features makes it easy for you to manage important Staff info!

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System Update: NEW Event Editor (list of updates)

The NEW Event Editor is now LIVE! It’s cleaner, more intuitive, and easier to work with. Here’s a list of what’s changed:

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System Update: NEW Event Editor

A NEW Event Editor is coming your way soon. It’s cleaner, more intuitive, and easier to work with. Check out the changes!

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New Integration: YAY-List (branded party invitations)

YAY-List turbo-charges your word-of-mouth marketing, through branded electronic and printable invitations

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New Feature: Automated Staff Gig Invitation Email

Let Party Pro Manager automatically email your staff to notify them of their new gigs added to their schedules!

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New Feature: Default Gig Status For Staff

With this new feature, you can choose what your default Staff Status is when adding your staff to your events. Do you prefer “Awaiting Confirmation”, maybe you like “Penciled in”, or maybe you’re ready to go ahead and consider them “Confirmed”. Well, now the choice is all yours!

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New Feature: Control What Your Staff See

Now you have even more control over what information your staff see when they log into their Staff Portal account (available on certain plans) and review their gig details.

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System Improvement: Save Without Closing

A new menu has been added to most of your ‘edit’ screens within the Party Pro Manager admin area.

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New Features: Public Facing Domain Options

As you already know, to make your life easier, we host your booking forms, finalisation forms, etc. for you. (of course you can embed the booking form as a popup right on your website, but that’s a discussion for another day 😉) By default your forms are hosted at our “” domain. BUT… you can now choose between two different public facing domains.

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New Features: Big Billing & Payments Update

This is a HUGE update to how Party Pro Manager helps you collect payments from clients. Collect Final Balance through PPM, override payment options for individual events, and new options to force clients to pay the Final Balance at the event are all included in this update!

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New Feature: Staff Status

Activate and Deactivate staff as needed! Plus, “inactive” staff will NOT count toward your plan staff limitations, 🙌

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New Feature: Custom Thank You Page

Upon successful submission of the form, you can choose to redirect that client to any page on your website that you’d like!!

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New Feature: Display “Assets” in Calendar and Week Planner Views

In your calendar views, you can now choose if the primary information displayed is the Client Info or the Asset they’ve selected. Here’s an example…

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System Improvement: New Placeholders for Standard Texts

You now have even more personalisation options available for your Standard Text templates for emails and PDFs.

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New Feature: Share the ‘remaining balance’ when providing booking information to staff

If you have your staff collect the Remaining Balance from the client on the day of the event, it may be helpful for you to share the ‘remaining balance’ information right there in the Staff Portal for your staff to see!

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New Feature: How Did You Hear About Us – On Finalisation Form

Learning where your clients found you is incredibly important.

Party Pro Manager has always helped you gather this important information on your Booking Request Forms. But sometimes people don’t supply it 🙁

Well, now we give you another opportunity to collect this key info during the Finalisation process 🙂

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New Feature: Add Staff Before Event Date is Set

Imagine you’re planning an event that you KNOW you want some very specific staff to run… One problem, you don’t know the date of the event!

Before this update, you couldn’t add your staff until the date was set. Well, now you can!

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New Feature: Add Multiple Staff, At Once

Say goodbye to… ADD ONE STAFF, Click OK > ADD ANOTHER STAFF, Click OK > ADD ANOTHER STAFF, Click OK > etc etc

Now, you can add multiple staff to an event AT ONCE!

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System Improvement: Custom Subject Line for Auto-Response Enquiry Notifications

You’ve always been able to customize the content of the Auto-Response email that is sent to your clients after they submit an enquiry.

Now, you can also create custom SUBJECT lines for these automated emails 🙂

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New Feature: Email Format Options

Different emails you send your clients require a different look & feel. With that in mind, PPM now allows you to send emails within PPM with three distinct format options!

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New Feature: Service Configuration Options

With our new Service Configuration Options -and a little bit of creativity- you can add all kinds of new products and services to your Party Pro Manager Catalogue.

In a nutshell, this new feature will allow you to choose to hide/show certain parts of your PPM booking form based on what makes sense for each individual service.

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New Feature: Customize “Deposit” Terminology

In Party Pro Manager it is possible for you to customize the terminology used to describe your “deposit”.  

Perhaps the term “non-refundable deposit” or “booking fee” feels better for you… 

Now, you can make that change as you please 🙂 

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System Improvement: Handling Cancellations, Rescheduled Events and Recording Refunds

There are some features we wish our users never needed to use. These would certainly fall in that category.

But, the reality is that sometimes cancellations, rescheduling and even refunds happen. So to make sure an already frustrating situation isn’t more annoying, PPM is here to make it as simple as possible for you!

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New Feature: Popup PPM Forms

Your Party Pro Manager booking request form already has your logo, your brand colours, and your ‘catalogue’. Now, your booking form can also be displayed right there within your own website 😊

If you weren’t already the envy of your competitors, you sure will be now 🤪

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New Feature: Automated Contacts List

There’s nothing worse than manual data-entry. Ugh, boooorrriiinnnggg! That’s why Party Pro Manager wants to do the data entry for you.

With our Automated Contacts List, you’ll get an auto-generated list of contacts in real time!

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System Improvement: Full Name Required

“Hi Jane! I’d love to help you out, but I have no idea which Jane you are, yikes!!” – said you, never ever again!

How can we be so sure that you won’t face this problem again? Simple, we now require your clients to submit a FULL NAME on your booking forms 🙂

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New Feature: Booking Request Form Custom Intros

With Custom Intros now added to your booking forms, you can add a quick welcoming message that your clients will see as soon as they load up your booking form!

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New Feature: Event Cloning

Imagine, you have a client coming back to book another event with you, yay! OR, you have a client booking multiple events at one time, super yay! But entering all that info can be tedious, right?

Well, not if you use the nifty CLONE shortcut available to you in Party Pro Manager!

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New Feature: Drag and Drop Ordering

Say goodbye to manually reordering your Package Options and Choices with complicated number sequences you have to keep track of! Now, ordering your options and choices is as simple as dragging and dropping them into place!

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New: All New Mobile Experience!

You’re on the go… a lot! And, now PPM wants to tag along for the ride with our all new Mobile experience 🥳 New look and feel, more comfortable navigation, single login access and more!

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System Improvement: Localized Addresses

Attention North American users!!! Addresses within your admin (e.g. within your Event Editor) are now localized 🙂 Where you previously saw the British equivalents (Town / County / Postcode).

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New Feature: Staff Availability Tools

The Staff Availability Tools make scheduling your staff a breeze! By entering when staff are or aren’t available, planning which staff should be assigned to which gigs has never been easier!

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New Feature: Weekly Planner Mode

With the all new Week Planner view of the calendar, you can see a full week view with ALL the critical information you need to see at a glance.

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